On 10, 11, 12 october, Dr. Dia, and nurse June Crane are coming to the island of Saint Malo: Quai des Bulles.
On sunday 19 sept., nurse June and Dr. Dia will be present at F.A.C.T.S. in Ghent. Where no humanoïd has gone before!
Dr. Dia is coming to Brussels! Next saterday: le Fête de la BD de Bruxelles.
The French edition (Hangar 84 and Painted Desert#1 in one book) with hard cover. 48 pages.
Les toutes jeunes éditions du Singe viennent d’inaugurer leur collection Atomic Stream avec la publication du premier volume de Painted Desert.
Cette bande dessinée … Read More
Painted Desert #1 wins a prize and is album of the year in the category production at the festival Stripdagen Gorinchem.
First of a four-part comic. Take the ride to the borders of men-made reality…
Order your copy at http://www.catawiki.nl/shops/sherpa?external=1